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PIC Tutorial - Interface Multiple 7seg Digits
Before reading this tutorial, make sure you have read the How to use our PIC Tutorials page!

The circuit on a breadboard.

Things are getting a little bit more complicated here. We want to have three different 7-seg that each one will show a different number. Normally, we would need 7 pins for each one, so a total of 21 pins are required, right? No, because in that way, if we wanted to have 6 digits (for a frequency meter for example) we would need 42 pins! Instead, we will make a trick, a trick with the eye. The catch is that the human eye does not operate non-stop all the time. Instead, it takes 10 'photos' each second. Between those photos, the brain will keep the last photo taken active, something like a 'latch'. We will take advantage of this characteristic for this circuit.

In Action

The circuit

here is the circuit of this tutorial:

As you can see, we only use the 8 lines from PORTB for the segments (7 segments + one for the dot) and three more lines, RA0, RA1 and RA2 for the drive-lines for the displays. All digit segments are connected in parallel using only one set of limiting resistors. The common-cathode pin of each display is not connected directly to ground. Instead, a 2N2222 transistor is connected between and used as a switching transistor.

Only one display is active at a time and it remains active for about 4mSec. Then this display is turned off and the next one is active for 4mSec. Because the displays are turned on and off very quickly, the eye will be tricked. The numbers will appear as if they are illuminated all the time.

With this way, you can easily have many 7-seg displays connected using the 7 (or 8) pins for the segments and one extra pin for each additional display. The turn-on time that i have chosen is 4 mSec but you may need to reduce this time in case of more digits. Do not make it too small though. You can use a lower-value limiting resistor for the segments as long as the current does not excess 25mA.

The Code

Here is the code for lighting the displays:

; Definitions -------------------------------------------------------------
		#define Left_Seg porta,0
		#define Mid_Seg porta,1
		#define Right_Seg porta,2
		#define Segments portb
; Main Program ------------------------------------------------------------
				bank1					;Go to bank 1
				movlw b'11111000'		;
				movwf TRISA				;Set the port pin types of the RA

				movlw b'00000000'		;
				movwf TRISB				;Set the port pin types of the RB
				bank0					;Go to bank 0

				call HideAllSegments
				movlw b'00000110'		;Number 1
				movwf Segments
				call ShowLeftSegment

				call HideAllSegments
				movlw b'01011011'		;Number 2
				movwf PORTB
				call ShowMiddleSegment

				call HideAllSegments
				movlw b'01001111'		;Number 3
				movwf PORTB
				call ShowRightSegment

				goto MainLoop
				bcf Left_Seg
				bcf Mid_Seg
				bcf Right_Seg

				bsf Left_Seg
				call Wait4mSec

				bsf Mid_Seg
				call Wait4mSec

				bsf Right_Seg
				call Wait4mSec

First, we set all RB pins as outputs and the RA0, RA1 and RA2 as well. Then, the subroutine 'HideAllSegments' is executed. As you may have already notice, i love working with subroutines. Assembly is a low level programming language. There are times that your code will be tens or hundred of lines. To avoid confusion you should use subroutines frequently. You should use them wisely. A well written, well commented and with a proper name subroutine is sometimes the difference that will make your program to work or not.

Back to the code, the subroutine 'HideAllSegments' is executed. This subroutine will turn off the RA0,RA1 and RA2 outputs, and thus, all 7-segs shall be turned off. This step is very important prior every digit/number change, otherwise the displays will not have a clear nice digit displayed.

Then, a binary number which corresponds to the segments to show the number '1' is loaded onto the digit. Remember that all segments are turned off. This means that even if the number is loaded, nothing shall be displayed. Right next, the subroutine 'ShowLeftSegment' is executed. This subroutine shall turn on the left segment and the number will appear to it! A 4mSec delay is mandatory for the LEDs to achieve their full brightness and for the eye to take the 'photo'.

Then, the displays are turned off again, the next number is loaded ('2'), the middle display is turned and kept that way for 4mSec. Finally, the same procedure with number '3' is done for the right (3rd) display. When all numbers are shown, the whole loop starts again from the beginning.

The project Files

Following are the files for this project:

 PIC Tutorial - Interface Multiple 7seg Digits

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  • At 7 January 2014, 10:09:19 user Shabnam Tamboli wrote:   [reply @ Shabnam Tamboli]
    • we have to interface 4 seven segment using single port of PIC16f877A for displaying timing in which 1st two display are used for hour hand and next Two are for minute hand.

      so plZ can u suggest about that means how to interface and coding Using C programming plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • At 22 February 2013, 19:16:27 user jp8rock wrote:   [reply @ jp8rock]
    • make complete series of pic programming.. and it should be step by step :)

  • At 14 March 2012, 21:26:10 user Rafay wrote:   [reply @ Rafay]
    • GREAT website

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  • Getting familiar with the MPLAB environment
  • Creating a new project
  • Open and close projects
  • Creating new files and including them in the project
  • Your very first assembly program
  • Compile a program and transfer to the PIC
  • Section 1: Beginner's theory
  • Memory Organization
  • The Data Memory Organization
  • The Program Memory Organization
  • The instructions
  • General knowledge about instructions
  • Value Loading Instructions
  • Program Flow Instructions
  • Mathematic Instructions
  • Logic Function Instructions
  • Bit Orientated Instructions
  • Byte Orientated Instructions
  • Miscellaneous Instructions
  • The Basic Special Function Registers
  • The Status Register
  • The Option_Reg Register
  • The TRIS and PORT registers
  • Beginner's PIC Tutorials
  • How to use our PIC Tutorials
  • A Pushbutton turning an LED on and off
  • A Simple LED Flasher
  • Interfacing Multiple Switches - The internal Pull-Up resistors
  • An LED Sequencer
  • Interface a Single 7seg Digit
  • Interface Multiple 7seg Digits
  • A 3-digits Decimal Counter
  • A Clever Button
  • Section 2: Intermediate theory
  • Instruction Cycle Duration and Calculated Delays
  • The Timer Modules - Timer0
  • The Timer Modules - Timer1
  • The Timer Modules-Timer2

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