Nothing is better than a glass of cold frappe during summer
Usually, when people think of coffee, they think of hot coffee. But in Greece, the most popular coffee is the cold instant coffee, AKA frappe. This kind of coffee is hand made only, and no serious machines have been produced to make it automatically, like espresso and cappuccino. That is normal, because although these machines would be very popular in Greece, they would deal great failure in the rest of the world. So. if someone wants to have a frappe machine, he has to build a frappe machine...
So, before i start, let me give you an example how the original instant cold coffee (frappe) is made. I strongly suggest you try this when it gets warm!
There is a history behind
My very first attempt to make this machine. The board had only some CMOS chips. All motors were controlled by relays (currently ripped off).
I began thinking of this project since i was very young. That was for me a dream machine, a great challenge! Unfortunately, i did not have the resources, the knowledge and the abilities that i have now to make this machine. The microprocessors was then an untouchable dream! A servo was out of the question due to cost. I gave it a try with CMOS components, but i just failed. I could not make a nice PCB myself, because i could not find easily photosensitive boards.
Nevertheless, somewhere in the mid 90's, i did make the lower/raise mechanism for the shaker. The motor was attached in a plastic tube. On the back side, i had attached a nut. A long screw (about 20cm long) was turned by a stronger DC motor. As the screw was turning, the nut was going up and down, and thus, the shaker motor was also going up and down. It was a very compact mechanism, but the motor was not very strong. Sometimes it stalled. Anyway, i used this experience to design the new mechanism.
Some videos of the work in progress
Here are some videos that i got during the make of the coffee machine:
This is the eighth video of the progress of my coffee maker. I put all modules together in the temporary housing, and connected all wires and plumping. So, the coffee machine is ready to operate! I made my very first test, making a medium (1.5 spoons sugar 1 spoon coffee) instant cold coffee...
This is the seventh video of the progress of my coffee maker. I just managed to interface the digital input and output cards with the CPU successfully. I was expecting this interface to be much more complicated, but for my surprise, all 3 cards worked perfectly with the first test :D
This is the sixth video. In this video, i show how i made the reference position for the rotary table.
This is the fifth video. This is the first time that i put the modules together into a chipboard-made model case for test. I solve also some technical problems regarding the mounting of the straw dispenser and the funnel for the sugar and coffee dispensers.
This is the fourth video from my Greek style cold instant coffee maker machine. In this video i demonstrate the rotary table of the coffee machine.
This is the third video. In this video i demonstrate the sugar and coffee dispenser mechanisms.
This is the second video. In this video i explain and demonstrate the mechanism for separating and placing straws into the coffee glass.
This is the first video from my Greek style cold instant coffee maker machine. In this video i explain and demonstrate the mechanism for lowering and raising the mixer.
@Alex In Greece during the Ancient times there was this saying: "Oyden monimoteron ek toy prosorinoy" which means that "nothing is more permanent than the temporary".
But now that you said that again, i think i should restart this project, shouldn't I? Hopefully within this year.
At 17 January 2014, 19:59:52 user Alex wrote: [reply @ Alex]
Dude what happened with this project, there hasn't been any updates for quite some time now. Looking forward to see the end result :)
At 13 November 2013, 17:56:48 user Robert wrote: [reply @ Robert]
This is a great invention! I especially like the straw delivery, it is perfect. how wonderfully useless! you are a genious!
At 16 September 2013, 15:38:37 user praveen wrote: [reply @ praveen]
excellent job......
At 14 June 2013, 17:45:35 user Amir wrote: [reply @ Amir]
Hi ,
Great work . From where did you buy the worm gear extruder ? Can you give me a website for that .
Many thanks
At 29 March 2012, 21:03:02 user alex wrote: [reply @ alex]
Hi you have a nice coffee Instant Cold Coffee Machine but you wanted to use a fridge for cold water but no water cooler that you use waron also in coffee automaaten is where you can get I know old water out of if not the name but it can look for you we have that built-in devices greetings alex
Hello George. Regarding the elements, these are hardware wiring to indicate wire connections between the modules. The orange boxes indicate wires coming from the output module (Digital Output Module - DOM), and the green indicate wires going to the Digital Input Modules. Notice that for example, from module "Rotary table", 4 wires comes out, then 2 of them arrive from the DOM and 2 goes to the CPU.
As far as the diode is concerned, this is only for polarity protection. It is the same as the D2. But you are right, It is not necessary and i may not put it after all.
I think your architecture diagram (first figure) is slightly confusing, because it seems to include elements of code (the elements above the CPU) with hardware elements. Ideally, you would have a system-level block diagram detailing your hardware and a separate functional block diagram to describe your code. If I'm misreading your architecture diagram, feel free to ignore this.
Secondly, looking at your reset circuitry, I see you have a 1N4148 diode between your microcontroller pin and your ICSP header (pin 1). I'm fairly certain this diode is not necessary, so you may want to double check that.
At 25 March 2011, 11:45:30 user Fung wrote: [reply @ Fung]
Frappé has become very popular here in the States. The difference is we use fresh coffee grounds to make coffee then we chill the hot coffee. But we tend to make more fresh coffee here while Europeans tend to make more instant coffee.
To serve we pour some in a glass and add chipped ice.
We also tend to add flavors to our frappé in the States. We can't leave a good thing alone - we have to tinker with it to make it more sellable.