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The Status Register

The Status register contains the arithmetic status of the Arithmetic Logic Unit, the Reset status of the PIC and the Bank Selection bits, direct and indirect. The Status register is accessible from all 4 banks. The bits of the Status register as as follows:

Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access R/W R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R/W
Initial 0 0 0 1 1 x x x

The Status Register bits

Bit 0 - C: Carry/-Borrow

    This bit is Readable and Writable and after a reset it's value will be unknown. If an instruction executed has an effect on this bit, then this bit becomes automatically and temporarily Read Only. The Carry bit watches if a carry-out from the MSB bit occurs. The values it can get are:

  • 0: No carry-out from the MSB of the result occurred
  • 1: A carry-out from the MSB of the result occurred

Bit 1 - DC: Digit Carry/-Borrow

    This bit is Readable and Writable and after a reset it's value will be unknown. If an instruction executed has an effect on this bit, then this bit becomes automatically and temporarily Read Only. The Digit Carry bit watches if a carry out from the 4th lower order of the byte is occurred. The values it can get are:

  • 0: No carry-out from 4th lower order of the byte occurred
  • 1: A carry-out from the 4th lower order of the byte occurred

Bit 2 - Z: Zero

    This bit is Readable and Writable and after a reset it's value will be unknown. If an instruction executed has an effect on this bit, then this bit becomes automatically and temporarily Read Only. The Zero bit watches if the result of an arithmetic or logic operation was zero. The values it can get are:

  • 0: The result of an arithmetic or logic operation was not zero
  • 1: The result of an arithmetic or logic operation was zero

Bit 3 - -PD: Power Down

    This bit is Read Only and after a reset it will get the value 1. The Power Down bit watches if the 'SLEEP' instruction was executed. The values it can get are:

  • 0: The 'SLEEP' instruction was executed
  • 1: Power Up or the 'CLRWDT' instruction was executed

Bit 4 - -TO: Time Out

    This bit is Read Only and after a reset it will get the value 1. The Power Down bit watches if a Watchdog timer time out occurred. The values it can get are:

  • 0: A Watchdog timer time out occured
  • 1: Power Up, 'SLEEP' or 'CLRWDT' instruction was executed

Bit 6:5 - RP<1:0>: Register Bank Selection

    Those bits are Readable and Writable and after a reset it will all get the value 0. Their task is to select the active Register Bank in use. The values it can get are:

  • 00: Bank 0 is selected
  • 01: Bank 1 is selected
  • 10: Bank 2 is selected
  • 11: Bank 3 is selected

Bit 7 - IRP: Register Bank Selection used with indirect addressing

    During the indeterminate pages of this book, the indirect addressing shall be discussed and explained. The indirect addressing is a way of accessing registers (General Purpose or Special Function Registers) without directly accessing their memory position, but throughout an indirect addressing register. When this register is used, the current bank selected is different than the indirect current bank selected. The values it can get are:

  • 0: Indirect addressing current bank selected is Bank 0 and Bank 1
  • 1: Indirect addressing current bank selected is Bank 2 and Bank 3

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  • At 5 September 2010, 13:08:34 user yadav wrote:   [reply @ yadav]
    • great job

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  • Disclaimer
  • Book Contents
  • Discussion forum

  • Basics
  • What will you need
  • Choosing the right PIC
  • The MPLAB
  • Getting familiar with the MPLAB environment
  • Creating a new project
  • Open and close projects
  • Creating new files and including them in the project
  • Your very first assembly program
  • Compile a program and transfer to the PIC
  • Section 1: Beginner's theory
  • Memory Organization
  • The Data Memory Organization
  • The Program Memory Organization
  • The instructions
  • General knowledge about instructions
  • Value Loading Instructions
  • Program Flow Instructions
  • Mathematic Instructions
  • Logic Function Instructions
  • Bit Orientated Instructions
  • Byte Orientated Instructions
  • Miscellaneous Instructions
  • The Basic Special Function Registers
  • The Status Register
  • The Option_Reg Register
  • The TRIS and PORT registers
  • Beginner's PIC Tutorials
  • How to use our PIC Tutorials
  • A Pushbutton turning an LED on and off
  • A Simple LED Flasher
  • Interfacing Multiple Switches - The internal Pull-Up resistors
  • An LED Sequencer
  • Interface a Single 7seg Digit
  • Interface Multiple 7seg Digits
  • A 3-digits Decimal Counter
  • A Clever Button
  • Section 2: Intermediate theory
  • Instruction Cycle Duration and Calculated Delays
  • The Timer Modules - Timer0
  • The Timer Modules - Timer1
  • The Timer Modules-Timer2

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