Precautions to avoid electric shock
Some circuits may require voltages above 40 Volts to operate. These circuits should be treated with extra care, as there is danger of electrical shock. Before going into further actions concerning these circuits, make sure you have read and understood the followings:
Before powering on:
During any kind of test, make sure that NO ONE IS NEAR BY!
Ensure that your electrical installation fulfills all the safety regulations!
Make sure that all parts of the circuit is well mounted and nothing can be moved accidentally
Make sure, all conductive and non-conductive objects are away from your circuit
Keep electrical equipment away from water or any other liquid, conductive or not
Always check electrical cords and connectors for fraying and signs of wear and defects, as well as any electrical equipment you are about to use
Use the special safety rubber gloves and rubber shoes
The floor you are standing on must be properly insulated from ground
Use only the correct cable sizes
Make sure you have read and understood all the safety procedures that comes with the electrical equipment you are about to use.
Have extra emergency shut-off switches with big push-and-lock buttons within your approach
Have extra circuit protection devices, such as fuses, circuit breakers, and ground-fault circuit interrupters just for your lab
Recheck all the wires and connectors for bad connections and signs of wear and defects.
All electrical equipment must be well-grounded
Minimize the use of electrical equipment in cold rooms or other areas where condensation is likely. If equipment must be used in such areas, mount the equipment on a wall or vertical panel.
After powering on:
Never overload circuits
Never touch or approach ANY part of a circuit, even if this part has low voltage. Any contact of any kind with a circuit under voltage is extremely dangerous, even if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing.
If you need to touch a circuit under voltage, do it ONLY if you wear special rubber non conductive gloves and shoes, designed for this reason – sold in stores with tools for electricians. Also, the floor must be electrically insulated with rubber or other non conductive material.
Be sure to lock out/tag out switches when working on equipment.
If it is not unsafe to do so, work with only one hand, keeping the other hand at your side or in your pocket, away from all conductive material. This precaution reduces the likelihood of accidents that result in current passing through the chest cavity.
If water or any other chemical is spilled onto equipment or circuit, shut off power at the main switch immediately, or press the push-and-lock shutoff button.
If you do not understand one or more points above, feel free to contact with me.
HOT in heaven!