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Within these pages, you can find many useful pieces of code mostly in assembly for the Microchip PIC micro controller family. A lot of people have spend many hours trying to put the bits and bytes together. If the code is NOT written by a member of the PCB Heaven community, then a link will be added above the code with the original website that this code was found.
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24 bit floating point
Author: Nikolai Golovchenko
This code was originally located @ http://www.piclist.com

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;By Nikolai Golovchenko
; AARGB0 - high byte with sign bit
; AARGB1 - low byte
; AEXP - exponent 2^(AEXP - 127)
; AARGB0-1, AEXP - 24 bit floating point
; BARGB0-1, BEXP - temporary for result
; TEMPB0-1
; LOOPCOUNT - counter
;ROM: 85 instructions
;RAM: 9 bytes
;Timing (includes call and return)
;6 cycles best case
;2+3+18+8*26-1+8*21-1+7+2= 406 cycles worst case
;NOTES: 1)Square root is taken on absolute value of the number
; (sign bit is ignored)
; 2)Rounding not implemented yet
;Normalize input
;1)Check for zero input - if zero then exit
;2)Change sign to 1 and use sign bit as explicit MSB
;3)Divide BEXP = BEXP / 2
;4)If AEXP can be divided by 2 (AEXP<0>=1) then
;BARGB1 = 1, AARGB<0-1> << 1 and find 15 more bits
;5)Else find 16 more bits

movf AEXP, w ;if zero input then return
btfsc 0x03, 2
retlw 0x00

clrf BARGB0 ;set up all used
clrf BARGB1 ;temporary registers
clrf TEMPB0 ;
clrf TEMPB1 ;

bsf AARGB0, 7 ;make MSB explicit and ignore mantissa sign

;we will align mantissa point above MSb. This is
;equivalent to division by 2. Or,
;new exponent is (E+1)/2
;new mantissa is M/2 (not changed, just new point position)

;divide (bexp+1) by 2. bexp is (eb + 127), where eb=-126..128!
;eb/2 is rounded to minus infinity!
movwf BEXP ;copy aexp to bexp
decf BEXP, f ;ensure required round mode
bcf 0x03, 0 ;divide by 2
rrf BEXP, f ;
movlw 0x40 ;correct bias after division
addwf BEXP, f ;

;if (E+1)/2 result has a remainder, then multiply mantissa by 2
;(left shift)
btfss AEXP, 0
goto FPSQRT24a
rlf AARGB1, f ;(carry was zero)
rlf AARGB0, f
bsf BARGB1, 0 ;set first bit of current result
;and discard MSb of mantissa (we
;used it already by setting first bit)

;First find 8 bits of result. This will shift AARGB0 - AARGB1 to TEMPB1
;Then only zeros will be fed instead of AARGB0
movlw 0x08 ;loop counter
movlw 0x40 ;substract test bit from
subwf AARGB0, f ;current lowest byte.
;it works also exactly
;like 0xC0 addition for the
;addition branch.
movf BARGB1, w ;load accumulator with
;current result LSB

btfsc TEMPB0, 7
goto FPSQRT24b_add

btfss 0x03, 0
incfsz BARGB1, w
subwf TEMPB1, f
movlw 0x01
btfss 0x03, 0
subwf TEMPB0, f
goto FPSQRT24b_next

btfsc 0x03, 0
incfsz BARGB1, w
addwf TEMPB1, f
movlw 0x01
btfsc 0x03, 0
addwf TEMPB0, f

rlf BARGB1, f ;shift result into result bytes
rlf BARGB0, f

rlf AARGB1, f ;Shift out next two bits of input
rlf AARGB0, f ;
rlf TEMPB1, f ;
rlf TEMPB0, f ;
rlf AARGB1, f ;
rlf AARGB0, f ;
rlf TEMPB1, f ;
rlf TEMPB0, f ;

decfsz LOOPCOUNT, f ;repeat untill 8 bits will be found
goto FPSQRT24b

;Find other 7 or 8 bits. Only zeros are fed instead of AARGB0
;Repeat untill MSb of result gets set
btfsc BARGB1, 0 ;if Temp sign is positive, than jump to subtraction
goto FPSQRT24d_sub ;(previous result bit is inverted sign bit,
;Tempb0.7 can not be used instead, because
;it may overflow)

;after LSBs addition (0x00 + 0xC0 = 0xC0) C=0,
;so we just continue adding higher bytes,
;keeping in mind that LSB=0xC0 and C=0
movf BARGB1, w
addwf TEMPB1, f
movf BARGB0, w
btfsc 0x03, 0
incfsz BARGB0, w
addwf TEMPB0, f
goto FPSQRT24d_next


bcf 0x03, 0 ;simulate borrow (0x00 - 0x40 = 0xC0, C=0)
incfsz BARGB1, w
subwf TEMPB1, f
movf BARGB0, w
btfss 0x03, 0
incfsz BARGB0, w
subwf TEMPB0, f

rlf BARGB1, f ;shift result into result bytes
rlf BARGB0, f

bsf 0x03, 0 ;Shift out next two bits of input
rlf TEMPB1, f ;(set carry before each shift to
rlf TEMPB0, f ;simulate 0xC0 value)
bsf 0x03, 0 ;
rlf TEMPB1, f ;
rlf TEMPB0, f ;

btfss BARGB0, 7 ;repeat untill all 16 bits will be found
goto FPSQRT24d

;flag C, TEMPB1 - TEMPB0 contain current input that may be used to find 17th bit for rounding

;Copy BARG to AARG
movf BEXP, w
movwf AEXP
movf BARGB0, w
movwf AARGB0
movf BARGB1, w
movwf AARGB1
bcf AARGB0, 7 ;clear sign bit (overwrites explicit MSB, which is always one)

retlw 0x00

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