BLOG Entries
How Isolated DC-DC Converters work
If you are not familiar with DC-DC converters, here is a brilliant article from the EDN explaining the very basics of isolated SMPS circuits. This article[...]
Portland has a plan to generate electricity within its own water pipes
Well, this sounds like a good idea. Tons of water flow through the municipal pipelines of every major city. Lucid Energy thought like "Why not using[...]
This is the evolution of Earth in 60 seconds
If we squeeze the history of life in a 60 seconds video, the existence of humans will only occupy a few frames. This is so well shown in this interesting[...]
Next level Joule Thief - MOSFET based step-up joule thief
Watch these machines making beer cans
There is a lot of engineering behind your beer - Watch how beer cans are made in this mesmerizing video[...]
Using the Tessel micro to water plants with Javascript over WiFi!
Do you like Javascript? If so, then good news! You can now run Javascript on a microcontroller. And its name is Tessel. This baby runs a Node code on the[...]
Your Arduino on Breadboard tutorial makes things that much cheaper has kindly put together a new tutorial for those Arduino lovers. You really do not need to get[...]
This is where each space probe is right now...
What a nice website this is! People in have put together a list with each human-made space probe. You can click on its image and instantly[...]
Maths are AWESOME - The last banana thought experiment
Here is the scene: You and a friend of yours are on a deserted island and you only have one last banana to eat but not to share. Then you decide to play[...]